Monday, May 25, 2009

Are you from Atlantis?

Are you from Atlantis?
I’ve always resented the hyperbole surrounding Atlantis and the stories of sunken cities and treasures buried under the water. I don’t know why, because in the past year, my Atlantean connections have been speaking to me with much force and emotion.

I did a meditation this morning with a friend, sparked by a comment about Atlantis, which propelled us to visit Atlantis. We had both encountered the concept of Atlantis in meditations before but this time, the guides told me showed me things from a different perspective. We asked simply to have the veil lifted so that we could observe what was happening versus actually being there.

If you’ve ever wondered which side you were on in Atlantis, you needed wonder any longer. It actually doesn’t matter which side you were on, because all sides need to be healed even those who were on the “right side”. The misuse of their highly advanced technology by a number of scientists, and the horrific experiments they did on humans still has repercussions today. The guides who came through didn’t give their names but they spoke of a way to heal. For those who were enslaved in that time are almost all still under the brain “lock” that keeps them from being able to think, love, live as fully as we all take for granted. Those who developed the technology and stood silently as they saw it was being abused can still feel the resonance of trying yet to prove oneself. Those who were the perpetrators, allowed their ego to get out of control thinking they could do anything to anyone and they are still working through that guilt. Some have become great healers today trying to rectify the wrong they brought on humanity. And some who were of the greatest good, who spoke out against the evil, who fought the evil, have turned it around in many lifetimes, as they had become so accustomed to being “right”, their self-righteousness has often led to even more conflict in the name of good. The example of the spread of Christianity by demolishing native cultures came up, as did the example of many modern fanatical religious believers assuming that all means are acceptable to achieve what they believe is “right”.

A great sadness comes to me whenever I connect directly with Atlantis. A deep regret that so much that was good was lost as those who got carried away destroyed all. Yet the guides said that forgiveness is the call to action. I initially interpreted it “as those who were wronged needed to forgive those who had perpetrated the atrocities”, but they added that the true forgiveness was of self. For each has played a part in accepting these roles over and over around many lifetimes, shifting and blurring the lines of what is good and what is evil again and again, so that there truly is no black or white any longer. There can be no name-calling of who was right and who was wrong. For the games that we have all played since then have had many switch roles. Some of the greatest offenders in the Atlantean times, are now some of the greatest healers, as they attempt over and over again to release their indebtedness to others.
A day of forgiveness was suggested; forgiving self first and foremost, forgiving others for any harm they may have inflicted on us. And I thought, as Memorial Day approaches, the day to commemorate all those who served in the military gave their life, that we have many holidays around the globe that are days of mourning and gratitude or days celebrating a country’s freedom, but what holidays do we have to honor forgiveness. The Jewish day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is the closest thing to it. But the day suggested here is not to ask a God to forgive you, or to ask another to forgive you, but for you to forgive yourself and all others for the good of the whole. To heal through love. To heal through many dimensions this heavy weight that so many bear. To allow the love of yourself to be activated through all time and space.

It’s like ho'oponopono for atlanteans.

Would anyone else like to join me in a “Forgiveness Day”?


Unknown said...

Wow What an impact this had on me! It caused me to look at my whole life! I had an "It's not fair" syndrome, which was a relic from atlantis, My amazing invention that was to help the world was taken and used for control of people, "it wasn't fair"! Thanks so much, it has been an incredible and painful journey! still think it wasn't fair that I had to release something that happened 50,000 years ago!

Unknown said...

Yep, you're right. It isn't fair. it just is. We are all players in this wonderful game.

Sounds like you're ready for the next player level!